Uni Baby Saç Ve Vücut Şampuanı - 750 ML
- Uni Baby Saç ve Vücut Şampuanı sabun içermeyen formülü, dengeli pH ile saç ve vücudu bir arada temizleyerek kremsi yapısı ile nemlendirir
- Göz yakmaz, hoş kokuludur
- Yüksek nemlendirme ve allerjik reaksiyona duyarlı formülü ile cildin doğal yapısını destekler
- İçeriğindeki Avena Sativa (oatmeal extract) gramineae familyasına ait doğal yulaf özüdür. İçerdiği Avenasin, vitaminler(E vitamini) , mineraller ve proteinler yapılandırma, koruma ve canlandırma özelliğine sahiptir
- İçeriğindeki Dexpanthenol, B5 vitamini aktive edilmiş bir nemlendiricidir. Cildi sakinleştirir, hücrelerin yenilenmesine yardımcı olur. Kızarık ve tahrişlere karşı etkilidir.
- Avrupa Birliği Standartlarına 76/768/EEC ve CTFA(Toiletry and Fragrancy Association) uygun üretim prosedürüyle hazırlanmıştır
- Boya maddesi içermez
- Dermotolojik olarak test edilmiştir
- Hippoallerjeniktir
- Ayrıca Özellikle uzun ve gür saçları besleyerek sağlıklı bir görünüm verir ve taranmasını kolaylaştırır.
- Yumuşak yapısı sayesinde bebeğiniz ve tüm aile bireyleri için idealdir
- Üretim Yeri : Türkiye
- İçeriği: 750ml
NEOLDUK Electronic Trade Inc. We serve with our expert and experienced team in different product groups. We send 100,000 products belonging to 450 brands within our structure to the whole world on partial and container basis. In addition to Turkey's favorite brands, you can reach many domestic and foreign brands preferred all over the world on our website ocepte.com. Depending on your preference, we deliver our products to you by sea, land and air. If you want to shop from Turkey at the most affordable prices, you can reach our expert staff by phone, e-mail and online support line or by filling out our export contact form at any time. You can get information about the products, their features and export conditions.
NEOLDUK Electronic Trade Inc. exports more than 40 countries in hundreds of categories such as coffee machines, industrial ovens, toasters, doner machines, roller grill, kebab grill, baking trays, pizza ovens, kunefe pans, plate grill, tea machines, baklava trays, sand coffee machines, desktop equipment and countertop equipment in the main title of commercial kitchen and professional kitchen with our expert and experienced team. We send 10,000s of products of 450 brands within our structure to the whole world on partial and container basis. In addition to the favorite brands of Turkey such as Öztiryakiler, Empero, Inoksan, Ndustrio, Kayalar, Remta, Vennaro, you can reach many domestic and foreign brands preferred all over the world on our website oCepte.com. Depending on your preference, we deliver our products to you by sea, by land and by air. Do you need a commercial kitchen project? You are on the right address. We are designing and preparing commerial kitchen projects. Also we are producing special dimension work benchs and other goods. If you want to shop from Turkey at the most affordable prices, you can reach our expert staff by phone, email and online support line or by filling our export contact form at any time. You can get information about the products, their features and export conditions. |